"I Surrender All.” This famous hymn was written by art teacher turned music evangelist. Judson W. Van De Venter, in 1896. Reprinted in countless hymnals ever since the song is an all-time favorite. How many times have we sung these words. "I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live?" It is wonderful to assert in a song that we have made such a commitment, but how does it work from day to day? What does it really mean to surrender all to God? How do you actually do that in more than a symbolic way? The answers to these questions and more are found in this book as it represents some of the devotional insights and inspired wisdom God has shared with saints down through the centuries. The light God provided them on their path can help illuminate our own. The answers they discovered to these same questions can inform our search as well. More than just a devotional thought for the day, the book invites the reader to intentionally and prayerfully engage with the Word. To that end. four styles of writing are included in the book:
- Excerpts and adaptations from 2000 years of Christian writings
- Hymns and poems from across the centuries and around the world
- Scripture passages converted to confessions of truth for recitation
- Extended Bible studies in a daily format for discipleship building
The path of absolute surrender to Jesus Christ is a life-long journey that begins with a simple prayer. You will learn how to pray that prayer by example in this book. As you learn from faithful followers of Jesus in the past, you will be mentored and motivated to pursue Victory Through Surrender.
Samples from Victory Through Surrender
The Christian life can only be explained in terms of Jesus Christ, and if your life as a Christian can still be explained in terms of you–your personality, your will-power, your gift, your talent, your money, your courage, your scholarship, your dedication, your sacrifice, or your anything –then although you may have the Christian life, you are not yet living it.

Samples from Victory Through Surrender

“Many fear that absolute surrender implies more than they can do. They think they dare not face the entire giving up of life, because it will cause so much trouble and agony. But God does not ask you to give perfect surrender in your own strength, or by the power of your will; God is willing to work it in you.”
Samples from Victory Through Surrender
Commit your case to Him in an absolute unreserve, and believe that He undertakes it; and at once, knowing what He is and what He has said, claim that He does even now save you. Just as you believed at first that He delivered you from the guilt of sin because He said it, so now believe that He delivers you from the power of sin because He says it. Let your faith now lay hold of a new power in Christ. You have trusted Him as your dying Saviour; now trust Him as your living Saviour. Just as much as He came to deliver you from future punishment did He also come to deliver you from present bondage.

Samples from Victory Through Surrender

Have I ever realized the glorious opportunity I have of laying down my life for Jesus? It does not mean that we lay down our lives in the crisis of death; what God wants is the sacrifice through death, which enabled us to do what Jesus did – He sacrificed his life; His death comes in as a totally new revelation. Every morning we wake, and every moment of the day, we have this glorious privilege of sacrificing our holy selves to and for Jesus Christ.
Samples from Victory Through Surrender
"I have yielded myself to Thy service,And Thy presence my bosom doth fill;O my Savior, I haste to obey Thee,And my heart says amen to Thy will.”
Charles W. Naylor, MY HEART SAYS AMEN

Samples from Victory Through Surrender

In contradistinction to heart cleansing, this finer crucifixion of self is gradual; it extends through months and years; the interior spirit is mortified over and over on the same points, till it reaches a state of divine indifference to it. A great host of believers have obtained heart purity, and yet for a long time have gone through all sorts of “dying daily” to self, before they found that calm, fixed union with the Holy Ghost which is the deep longing of the child of God.
George D. Watson, SOUL FOOD
Samples from Victory Through Surrender
“Most of us feel that as soon as we give ourselves to God in full consecration, things ought to run smoothly, but God cannot make us until he first ‘breaks’ us. He cannot mold us until he melts us. He cannot melt us except by fire."