Today is July 30, 2021, and I am rejoicing in the completion of this project. It took about a month longer than I hoped but there was still enough time to get it done by the end of July. Victory Through Surrender Vol 2 is now available on This concludes the 4-year journey to research and write what I have dubbed a devotional-workbook-anthology. I will tell you a little secret – volume two may be better than volume one! As I was going through the editing process, I had to do a quick re-read of the second manuscript. When I got the proof copy of the book from the printer, there were some formatting errors in the text that were not in my original manuscript file. Having to do a quick read from cover to cover gave me an opportunity to see how the themes flowed from day to day. I was amazed at how the Lord put the material together in a way that I was completely oblivious to. Much of the material had the same effect on me now as it did when I originally found it. Multiple pages came together in matching themes that I did not do on purpose. There are a few more contemporary sources in Vol 2 that I think will really encourage and challenge the readers. Since we spilt the book up into two volumes, I reworked the Introduction to make it clear that you can begin with Vol 2, if that happens to be the first book you encounter, and then you can circle back to Vol 1. I do not know how the Lord will use this project or use me in relation to the project going forward, but I know it will be awesome. So, I suppose you can call this the end of the beginning. As always, I covet your prayers and am grateful for your continued support. God Bless!