About my new book Victory Through Surrender Volume Two

A Mighty Infilling by A. W. Tozer
Coming soon: Victory Through Surrender Volume Two

About my new book Victory Through Surrender Volume Two

Instead of an excerpt from the book, this week I would like to give you an update on Volume Two.  When I finished the first draft of the book, it was over 400 pages.  My publisher recommended we split the book up into multiple volumes because of the size.  We discussed 4 volumes and 3 volumes as options, but we settled on two volumes.  In the workbook format, about 200 pages seemed to match up with similar books and was a much more manageable size.
I wrapped on the edit of Volume Two today and have a draft print in hand.  The publisher is going to start on the new cover and Tim Tremaine will send him the manuscript file soon.  I wrote a new Introduction for this volume to have an updated segue from one volume to the next.  One of the things I talk about is finding other books in print that have the same or similar title as these books.  One such volume was from 1892 by an American preacher named Benjamin Fay Mills.  I really loved his insights and decided to include an excerpt from his book as the first day of Month Seven in this volume.  
I will share that excerpt with you next week, but there is one nugget that is just too good not to share today.  Mills reached the conclusion that “God is satisfied not with our simply being dependent upon him, but with our being independent of everything else.”  That sheds a whole new light on the concept of absolute surrender to God.
For those of you who have been tracking with us from the beginning and are working through Victory Through Surrender Volume One, I am pleased that Volume Two will be out in time for you to switch volumes without missing a beat.  Those who got the book right after publication in February will be in month four or five now, so the timing is good.  As always, I covet your prayers that God’s anointing will be on these books and that He will use them for His glory and the edification of His church.  Blessings on you all!

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